A Weekend Full of Softball Cricket

Final: Trident vs Unique Shiv Expo 2016

The 2016 Shiv Chanderpaul Softball Cricket Expo was held last weekend, June 18, at our home ground at Parry Field, Sarasota.

Five clubs, including SICC, competed in the tournament which drew a large crowd of players and supporters on both days. This was SICC’s third tournament designed to showcase this popular version of cricket and raise funds. By using both our fields, we were able to run two matches concurrently and pack a lot of cricket into the two days.

The five competing cricket teams were:

After many hard-fought 15-over games, Tridents and Unique reached the finals on Sunday afternoon. In the end, Tridents kept the upper hand and became the winner of the 2016 Shiv Chanderpaul Softball Cricket Expo.

Thanks go to the Orlando Softball Cricket League and all the visitors for the support  to SICC. Thank you also to  our club members for hours umpiring, scoring, announcing, setting up, taking down and clearing trash that made the event such a success. Thank you all for making it fun and a successful event!

Have a look at the photo album.
