20th Annual Six-a-Side in 2013

The Herald Tribune wrote on November 28th, 2013:
“Thanksgiving marks the 20th year of the Six-A-Side Festival at the Sarasota International Cricket Club. Teams from England and the Cayman Islands will join state and national clubs at Parry Field off University Parkway in Lakewood Ranch. The Sarasota squad features players from Great Britain, India, South Africa and the West Indies. There are Americans, too, with everyone welcome to learn more about the game at this week’s tournament. Food, beer and wine will be sold. On Sunday morning, the Suncoast British Car Club will parade around the field. “On the Sunday of the final, we expect 300 to 400 people out here,” says Clint Goodchild, general manager. “We should get 1,000 over the course of the festival.”

Read the full article online: Cricket bowls over Thanksgiving